The New York Distance Dietetic Internship (NYDDI) is a post-baccalaureate 8 month distance learning program offering three core supervised practice rotations: Food Service Management, Community Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition and Elective called Health and Nutrition Influencer.

We feature a flexible curriculum and state of the art program allowing you to complete our internship and become a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist in as short as time possible.

As you look at other programs, keep one thing in mind, The New York Distance Dietetic Internship is the most affordable and flexible program available.

Plus, included in your tuition is 16 biweekly RD prep trainings run by recognized RD guru Tania Collazo, RDN. Tania offers 1:1 test prep tutoring, included in your tuition.

Our distance internship allows interns to custom-design their own program in their current demographic location. 

Finding one’s own preceptors and facilities makes all the difference. Frequently this leads to professional relationships that develop while working alongside preceptors. For us, the reward is sweetest when we hear of interns receiving job offers due to the relationships they have built while completing their internships near where they live!

We have two semesters; one starting January and ending in August, the second semester begins in May and ends in December.

We are approved to accept eighteen (18) interns each year.